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Energy saving tips to take control of your energy bill

Energy saving tips to take control of your energy bill

Energy bills creeping up every month? If you have been suffering from some ‘bill shock’ lately, you may want to consider taking control of your energy bill by implementing some small changes that can make a big difference to your total payment.

Make some small changes

With all the modern day appliances available, household energy use can really add up. Making some small adjustments can help you to reduce your energy bills.

These can include things like avoiding using the heating if you can wear more layers of clothing instead. Heating water uses a lot of energy, so washing your clothes in cold water and taking shorter showers can significantly reduce your energy usage. If you can, hang clothes out to dry instead of using the clothes dryer. Unplug appliances at the wall and avoid leaving lights on when you leave a room.

They might all seem like very small steps, but together they can make a big difference!

Detox on the tech

Having a break from screens has its own advantages for mental health and decreasing stress, but it can make a difference to your energy bill too! Especially if you’re working from home, you are likely to be spending a lot of time using various digital devices to work and communicate with others, so limiting the use of these during your downtime can help to curb energy use.

When you have some free time, try to avoid your phone or laptop and relax with a book instead. If you want to catch up with a friend, try a simple phone call instead of Skype or FaceTime – although seeing people’s faces is nice, these apps can drain your devices’ battery life and take a toll on your energy levels as well. If you are finding yourself turning on the television for some background noise, try switching to music or podcasts instead. Having your TV turned on can really increase your energy bill in the long run.

Ask your retailer for assistance

If you’re finding it a struggle to pay your energy bills, you can ask your provider for help. All energy companies are required to offer hardship plans under Retail Law, so that households that are struggling financially can get on top of their energy bills. This may include putting you on a personalised payment plan, changing your plan to a cheaper option, or assisting you in applying for energy rebates and other help that you could be eligible for.

It’s also worth noting that mistakes sometimes happen in the billing process. If you have received a bill that doesn’t seem right, it’s possible that you have been overcharged by your energy retailer. Check previous bills in case any outstanding payments have been rolled over into the next month and contact your provider’s customer service centre.

Switch providers for a better deal

If you’re doing your best to save energy and still finding a larger-than-expected bill every month, it might be time to find a different energy provider. Taking the time to shop around and compare offers is the best way to find a good deal that works for your usage.

In recent years, new smaller energy retailers have entered the market, offering competitive pricing and improved ways to monitor your usage. So if you haven’t compared your energy deal for a while, now is a great time to do so and see if you could be paying less.

Sally Writes 21 Jan 2021