News and tips for saving on utilities

How To Choose The Best Credit Card For You | A Useful Guide

The credit card you choose you're likely to keep for years. It's worth doing your research before committing a long-term and potentially costly relationship.

Sally Writes 29 Nov 2020

What is third party car insurance and what does it cover?

What is third party car insurance? Is third party car insurance the right one for you? We take a look at what is and isn't covered. Learn more now.

Sally Writes 24 Nov 2020

Tips on saving for a house deposit

Are you dreaming of owning your own home? Dream no more. We have a whole range of tips to help you save for your home deposit. Make the Aussie dream a reality.

Sally Writes 24 Nov 2020

What is the best way to pay off my mortgage faster?

Want to pay off your mortgage faster? Here are our top tips on the best way to get your mortgage paid off and live debt free. Read for more financial freedom now.

Sally Writes 24 Nov 2020

The Ultimate Moving House Checklist

Take the stress out of moving day. We have the ultimate moving house checklist, complete with everything you need to know about moving your gas & electricity.

Sally Writes 24 Nov 2020

Is it worth getting comprehensive car insurance?

Comprehensive car insurance can be one of the best types of cover you can have if you're in an accident, but is it worth the money? Learn more now.

Sally Writes 24 Nov 2020

How do I change my internet when moving house?

Wondering how to change your internet when moving house? We've got everything you need to know to be fully connected when you move in. Read on for details!

Sally Writes 16 Nov 2020

Will my insurance premiums increase if I make a claim?

Your insurance premium won't necessarily increase if you make a claim. It depends on circumstances - mostly on whether you were at fault. Read on to learn more.

Sally Writes 16 Nov 2020

How do I change my electricity and gas when moving house?

Don't get stuck in the dark on moving day! Make sure you've followed our steps to change your electricity and gas when moving house for an easy transition.

Sally Writes 16 Nov 2020

What types of home loans are available?

What types of home loans are available? Fixed rate? Variable? Interest-only? Home loans (and knowing what type to choose) cans be confusing - here's a simple overview.

Sally Writes 16 Nov 2020

Why do my car insurance premiums keep going up?

The value of my car is going down, so why do I keep paying more for my car insurance each year? There are a few reasons. Let us break it down for you.

Sally Writes 16 Nov 2020

What Is The Difference Between NBN And Wireless Broadband?

People have been talking about the NBN for years! But what actually is it? And what's the difference between the NBN and Wireless Broadband? We've got answers.

Sally Writes 03 Nov 2020

Why Have Australia's Electricity Prices Gone Up?

Wondering what's behind the increase in electricity prices in Australia? Can we bring these sky-high prices back down to earth or is this the 'new normal'?

Sally Writes 03 Nov 2020

What Can I Do To Avoid Energy Bill Shock? | Home Energy Tips

Wondering how to avoid energy bill shock? It's important to feel in control of your energy bill. With these tips, you won't have experience bill shock again.

Sally Writes 03 Nov 2020

How To Choose An Internet Provider | Finding a Great Deal

When choosing an Internet provider there's lots to consider. Here's our guide on what's most important in an Internet plan. Don't settle for less than a great deal!

Sally Writes 03 Nov 2020

What Is Renewable Energy And How Is It Changing The Electricity Industry

What is renewable energy and why do we need it? How does solar, wind and hydro-power generation work? Here's everything you need to know about renewable energy.

Sally Writes 03 Nov 2020

What Is A Home Energy Assessment? | Energy Efficiency

Do you feel like your energy bill is higher than it should be? A home energy assessment could be the perfect solution to bring down your energy costs.

Sally Writes 25 Oct 2020

How Do I Change My Internet Provider? | Save on Broadband

Thinking of changing your Internet Service Provider? You may expect it to be an annoying hassle but it doesn't have to be. Here's how to make the switch simple!

Sally Writes 25 Oct 2020

Is There A 'Best' Internet Plan And How To Find It

If only there was a single 'best' Internet plan to suit everyone! Instead, to find the best Internet plan for you, there are a range of factors to consider.

Sally Writes 25 Oct 2020

What Is A 'Good' Internet Speed? | Mbps and Broadband Plans

What constitutes a good Internet speed? How is Internet speed even measured? Here's how to save on your broadband plan without sacrificing a speedy connection.

Sally Writes 25 Oct 2020
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