How To Choose An Internet Provider | Finding a Great Deal

When it comes to choosing an Internet Service Provider (ISP), the bad news is that with so many plans on the market, finding the perfect internet plan can be difficult and time-consuming. The good news, however, is that the competitive nature of the market means there is always a chance to save money by jumping to a cheaper plan.

This guide is designed to simplify all the factors you need to consider and make it as easy as possible for you to find that perfect provider and plan.

Understanding Internet Speeds

First of all, it’s important to understand how many different Internet speeds are available and which one would be best suited to you.

The NBN, which delivers an Internet connection to almost every Australian household, offers four different speed tiers.

Basic Evening Speed (12/1Mbps) Standard Evening Speed (25/5Mbps) Standard Plus Evening Speed (50/20Mbps) Premium Evening Speed (100/40Mbps)

Mbps stands for Megabits per second. For example, a Premium Evening speed offers a maximum 100Mbps download speed and a maximum 40Mbps upload speed.

To give you an idea of which plan might be right for you, the ‘Standard Plus’ Evening Speed plan tends to be the most popular among Australian families. It is typically capable of high levels of web browsing and high definition streaming across multiple devices even in the evenings, when the network is most congested. 

Things To Watch Out For

Now that we understand a bit more broadband jargon, here are the things to be wary of when choosing your provider.

Data Caps

Does the plan being offered come with a monthly cap on the amount of data you can download? It’s possible to purchase a plan with unlimited data, but typically your plan will come with a cap.

Unlimited data plans might sound enticing. After all, you never want to be in a situation where you reach your data limit. However, very often a customer on an unlimited plan would have more than enough data on a limited plan and is paying more than they need to.

Don’t fall into the trap of assuming unlimited data is necessarily the way to go.

Additional Costs

There can be hidden costs in an advertised Internet plan. For example, some providers may require you to purchase your own modem or pay to rent one from them.

Be sure to ask about additional costs before you lock yourself into a plan.

Discount Deals

Discounted plans or those with introductory deals might sound shinier than they really are.

An introductory deal will only last so long, so make sure you know what the regular price will eventually be. Similarly, the plan with the biggest discount may not necessarily be the cheapest.

Things To Look Out For

The competitive landscape of broadband plans means providers often have great plans to offer that will fit your needs perfectly. Here’s what to look for.


If you also need a telecommunication service at your house, you may get a better rate by bundling that service together with your broadband.

Customer Service

This can be hard to judge before you become a customer yourself. However, it’s a good idea to scan the web for reviews to get an idea of how accommodating an Internet Service Provider will be if you run into difficulties.

Personalised Options

Plans not only vary with speed but with bonus features and add-ons too. This can make your plan even better tailored to your needs.

For example, there are many Premium plans tailored towards online gamers. These plans are made to suit the demands of gaming, such as having low latency and real-time data.

Even with our guide on what to look for and what to avoid, choosing an Internet Service Provider can still be a hassle. That’s why so many customers turn to Compare & Connect to do the research for them, for free. Our experts can scan the market to find the best deal at the cheapest price that still accommodates to all your needs. Save time and money by using Compare & Connect to find the perfect Internet Service Provider for you.

Full Article Published: 03 Nov 2020Compare Online